Index of /Pinebook64/Manjaro/

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                        Use at your own risk

 _____ ______   ________  ________         ___  ________  ________  ________     
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       ----- ===== ((( Special Windows 10 arm64 release ))) ===== -------
                             "sic parvis magna" 
                         80 % -------------  Manjaro 
                         15 % -------------  Qemu 
                          5 % -------------  Astr0     

Custom image based on KDE Manjaro 19.12 aarch64 for Pinebookpro 
With dynamically compiled qemu-system-aarch64 for Windows 10 arm64 emulation 

Unfortunately other newer Manjaro distributions do not work to emulate Windows 10 arm64
via qemu-system-aarch64 with KVM acceleration so I have decided to create this image for 
others to test and maybe figure out why it does not load  

I have used the following qemu version (cloned from git on 4th May 2020) 
version 5.0.50  

The image is a max compressed xz archive 

- manjaro-win10-qemu.img.xz   ( 24104695508  bytes  manjaro-win10-qemu.img.xz )

You can download the image from here

To uncompress run unxz manjaro-win10-qemu.img.xz 
This will expand the xz archvive to a 64 GB microSD image 

Please use a good/fast microSD 64GB card to write the image to since R/W speeds are essential here 
(Especially if you want to reinstall the Windows 10) 
In case you wish to install yourself - consider putting the qcow2 image to the insternal mmcblk2p2  

You can write the image to a microSD card via dd (you know how to do that right ?) 

Login details are as follows, thre are two users active on the Manjaro image 
with following credentials 

   | - user : p4ssw0rd  | 
   | - root : p4ssw0rd  | 

The QEMU Windows10 qcow2 disk image is located in 


File structure is as follows  

  disk-19041.img              <----  qcow2 disk image  
  QEMU_EFI.img                <----  EFI ROM                <----  qemu loader script (run this to start the emulation) 
  virtio-win-0.1.173.iso      <----  virtio drivers ISO  
  win10-19041.iso             <----  Windows10 build 19041 arm64 pre-release  

Please note that not all QEMU_EFI.img ROMs work with Windows10 arm64, so I have included the 
one that works for me (tested on Pinebookpro and NVIDIA Jetson Nano) 

Windows 10 version 19041 has the following user/admin credentials 

   | - user : p4ssw0rd  |

!!IMPORTANT!!! for the network to work please use a same or similar RealTek 1GB USB ethernet adapter 
I have used the following one  and it works great for the emulation. 
Windows10 is configured with static IP in the image with the following values 

IP ........... 
Netmask ...... 
Gateway ...... (host on which I have bridge0 configured and internet sharing)  
DNS .......... (google) 

You can change it to DHCP if your network is configured like so.
Be aware that sometimes the USB mouse/keyboard gets stuck in the RAMFB VNC session and a hard reset 
is needed to reload the emulation. Therefore it is essential to get RDP connection over network to 
do any serious work on the qemu emulated Windows 10 arm64 

For RDP connection Im using FreeRDP with the following command combo       

xfreerdp /v: /size:"1200x700" /u:user /sec-rdp +glyph-cache

There are no cloud accounts used for the Windows 10 setup, only a local account is created, so if you wish to 
experiment with Microsoft accounts / OneDrive / MS Store you need to use your own accounts to login there 
I have tested it to work fine. 

Please note that I do not encourage piracy and this is strictly for educational purposes.  


- You need to run the qemu-system-aarch64 as root so su to root and execute  
- In next window connect with VNC to local loopback as follows 
     vncviewer :1 
- Once Win10 boots connect over RDP from the bridge machine 
     xfreerdp /v: /size:"1200x700" /u:user /sec-rdp +glyph-cache 

- When shutting down the emulation, sometimes it is neccesary to CTRL+C terminate the main qemu console window 


   '-..-'|   ||   |
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