Index of /pkgsrc/DevTerm-R01/PKG_INFO/

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README.txt2024-Jul-06 17:07:1038.6Ktext/plain; charset=utf-8
3dpong-0.5          One or two player 3D sports game based on Pong from Atari
adwaita-icon-theme-40.1.1 Standard GNOME icons
allegro-  Cross-platform library aimed at video game programming (4.x branch)
allegro5- Cross-platform library aimed at video game programming
alsa-lib-1.2.11     Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)
alsa-utils-1.2.10   Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) CLI utilities
amaze-0pre0nb1      Curses-based maze game
angband-4.2.5       Single-player dungeon exploration game (text-only version)
apr-1.7.4           Apache Portable Runtime
apr-util-1.6.3nb3   Apache Portable Runtime utilities
aranym-1.1.0nb12    Atari Running on Any Machine
argp-1.3nb1         Argument parsing function from glibc
armagetronad- Tron clone in 3D with advanced gameplay and multiplayer
armagetronad-server- Server for the armagetronad game
asciidoc-10.2.0nb6  ASCII to formatted document converter
asciiquarium-1.1nb7 ASCII art aquarium
at-spi2-atk-2.38.0nb2 Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface A11y Toolkit
at-spi2-core-2.44.1 Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface Core
atari800-5.2.0      Atari 800, 800XL, 130XE and 5200 emulator
atk-2.38.0nb1       Set of interfaces for accessibility
atomix-44.0nb1      Puzzle game
aumix-gtk-2.9.1nb28 Set mix levels (curses and GTK+ 2.0 interfaces)
autoconf-2.72       Generates automatic source code configuration scripts
autoconf-archive-2023.02.20 Collection of macros for GNU Autoconf
automake-1.16.5nb3  GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
avahi-0.8nb6        Facilitate service discovery on a local network
barrage-1.0.4       Rather destructive action game
bcrypt-1.1          Cross platform file encryption utility
binwalk-2.3.4nb1    Firmware analysis tool
bison-3.8.2nb1      GNU yacc(1) replacement
bitchx-1.2.1nb7     IRC client based on ircII
bmake-20200524nb1   Portable (autoconf) version of NetBSD 'make' utility
boehm-gc-8.2.4      Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++
bootstrap-mk-files-20230509 *.mk files for the bootstrap bmake utility
brotli-1.1.0        Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm
bsdtar-3.7.2        Fast multi-format tape archiver
bwbasic-3.10        The Bywater Basic interpreter
bzip2-1.0.8         Block-sorting file compressor
cairo-1.18.0nb1     Vector graphics library with cross-device output support
capstone-5.0.1      Lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
cduke-1.0           TODO: Short description of the package
chatgpt-shell-cli-0.0.20230516 Shell script to use OpenAI's ChatGPT and DALL-E
check-0.15.2        Unit test framework for C
checkperms-1.12     Check and correct file permissions
chocolate-doom-2.2.1nb9 Doom/Heretic/Hexen/Strife source port
cmake-3.28.4        Cross platform make
cmatrix-1.2anb2     Simulates the display from "The Matrix" in your console
corewars-0.9.13nb2  Programs on a virtual machine, fighting each other
createbuildlink-3.19 Shell script to help creating files
ctwm-4.1.0nb1       Window manager with support for multiple virtual screens and EWMH
CUnit-2.1.3         C Unit checking test software
curl-8.7.1          Client that groks URLs
cwm-7.4             Portable version of the window manager from OpenBSD
cwrappers-20220403  pkgsrc compiler wrappers
cyrus-sasl-2.1.28nb1 Simple Authentication and Security Layer
dav1d-1.4.0         AV1 decoder library
db4-4.8.30nb1       Berkeley DB version 4 from Oracle
dbus-1.14.10        Message bus system
dejavu-ttf-2.37     DejaVu family of TrueType fonts
desktop-file-utils-0.26nb4 Utilities to manage desktop entries
devIL-1.7.8nb18     Developer's Image Library
dgen-sdl-1.33nb1    Genesis/Megadrive emulator for Unix platforms
dialog-1.3.20230209 Display dialog boxes from shell scripts
digest-20220214     Message digest wrapper utility
digger-20020314nb7  Digger Remastered
dillo-3.0.5nb14     Very small and fast graphical web-browser
docbook-xml-4.5     XML DTD designed for computer documentation
docbook-xsl-1.79.2nb7 Docbook XSL modular stylesheet
doom-pwad-sigil-1.21 Doom mod
doom1-1.9           Shareware levels for Doom
doom2-pwad-eviternity-1.0 Doom II mod
doom2-pwad-lost-civilization-15 Doom II mod
doom2-pwad-preacher-20181129nb1 Doom II mod
doom2-pwad-struggle-20180819nb1 Doom II mod
dopewars-1.6.2nb2   Make a fortune dealing drugs on the streets of New York
dos2unix-7.5.2      DOS/Mac to Unix and vice versa text file format converter
dosbox-0.74.3nb2    Multi-platform DOS emulator using SDL
dosbox-x-0.84.3nb5  DOSBox fork with enhancements
dumb-2.0.3          Module/tracker based music format parser and player library
dwm-6.5             Dynamic window manager
ecwolf-1.3.3nb7     Advanced port of Wolfenstein 3D
editline-3.1.20221030nb2 NetBSD Editline library (libedit) for generic line editing
elinks-0.17.0       Feature-rich text mode web browser
enca-1.15           Extremely Naive Charset Analyser
encodings-1.1.0     X11 Font Index Generator
enigma-1.21nb14     Puzzle game similar to Oxyd/Rock'n'Roll/Marble Madness
exchess-7.97beta    Experimental chess engine
exchess-book-medium-20140911 Chess opening book for EXchess (medium)
expat-2.6.2         XML parser library written in C
exult-1.6nb11       Open-source Ultima 7 engine
faad2-2.11.1        AAC decoding library
ffmpeg4-4.4.4nb9    Decoding, encoding and streaming software (v4.x)
ffmpeg5-5.1.4nb4    Decoding, encoding and streaming software (v5.x)
fftw-3.3.10nb2      Fast C routines to compute DFTs (single and double precision)
file-5.42           Tool for determining file type
flac-1.4.3          Free lossless audio codec
flex-2.6.4          Fast clone of lex(1), the lexical scanner generator
fltk-1.3.8nb3       Fast Light Tool Kit for graphical user interfaces
fluidsynth-2.3.4nb1 Software synthesizer based on SoundFont2
font-util-1.4.1     Tools for truncating and subseting of ISO10646-1 BDF fonts
fontconfig-2.15.0   Library for configuring and customizing font access
fortune-19970829    Fortune cookie generator
fortune-strfile-0   Tool to prepare a fortune database
freedoom-0.12.1     Free content game for Doom engine
freerdp2-2.9.0nb9   Free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (major version 2)
freesci-0.3.5nb14   Interpreter for Sierra On-Line's SCI games
freesynd-0.7.5      GPLed reimplementation of the engine for the game Syndicate
freetype2-2.13.2nb1 Font rendering engine and library API
fribidi-1.0.13      Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
frozen-bubble-2.2.1beta1nb18 Pop the frozen bubbles
fruit-2.1           Chess playing engine
fuse-2.9.9nb1       Filesystem in Userspace
fvwm3-1.0.9         Multiple large virtual desktop window manager
gambatte-571        Game Boy Color emulator with high accuracy
gd-2.3.3nb12        Graphics library for the dynamic creation of images
gdbm-1.23           The GNU database manager
gdbus-codegen-2.78.4 Generate code and/or documentation for one or more D-Bus interfaces
gdk-pixbuf2-2.42.10nb4 Library for image loading and manipulation
gemrb-0.9.2nb2      Reimplementation of the Infinity Engine used in 2D RPGs by Bioware
getopt-1.1.6        Program to help shell scripts parse command-line parameters
gettext-lib-0.22.5  Internationalized Message Handling Library (libintl)
gettext-m4-0.22.5   Autoconf/automake m4 files for GNU NLS library
gettext-tools-0.22.5 Tools for providing messages in different languages
ghostscript-9.05nb35 Meta-package for installing the preferred ghostscript version
ghostscript-agpl-10.03.0 Postscript interpreter
ghostscript-fonts-8.11nb3 Postscript fonts for Aladdin Ghostscript
giflib-5.2.1nb6     GIF image format library
glew-2.2.0nb2       OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
glib-1.2.10nb11     Some useful routines for C programming (glib1)
glib2-2.78.4        Some useful routines for C programming (glib2)
glib2-tools-2.78.4  GLib2/gobject python-dependent tools
glu-9.0.3           OpenGL Utility Library
gmp-6.3.0           Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
gnuboy-1.0.4        Fast gameboy emulator (X11 version)
gnuchess-6.2.9      GNU chess engine
gnupg2-2.4.5        GnuPG with OpenPGP and S/MIME capabilities
gnutls-3.8.4        Transport Layer Security library
gobject-introspection-1.78.1nb2 GObject Introspection
golddig-3.1nb1      Fast action game designed for use with X
gperf-3.1           GNU perfect hash function generator
gpgme-1.23.2        GnuPG Made Easy
graphviz-8.1.0nb9   Graph Drawing Programs from AT&T Research and Lucent Bell Labs
gtexinfo-7.1        GNU info documentation utilities
gtk+-1.2.10nb21     GIMP Toolkit v1 - libraries for building X11 user interfaces
gtk-doc-1.32nb15    Tools for authors of the GTK+ reference documentation
gtk2+-2.24.33nb17   GIMP Toolkit v2 - libraries for building X11 user interfaces
gtk3+-3.24.41       GIMP Toolkit v3 - libraries for building X11 user interfaces
gts-0.7.6nb4        GNU Triangulated Surface Library
halibut-1.2nb2      Documentation production system
harfbuzz-8.3.0      OpenType text shaping engine
heimdal-7.8.0nb7    Kerberos 5 implementation
help2man-1.49.3     Generate simple manual pages from program output
hengband-2.2.1rnb2  Rogue-like game derived from Zangband
hicolor-icon-theme-0.17nb1 Standard icon theme called hicolor
hunspell-1.7.2nb2   Improved spellchecker
hunspell-en_US-20060207 US American English dictionaries for hunspell
icoutils-0.32.3nb5  Tools for Microsoft Windows icon and cursor files
icu-74.2            Robust and full-featured Unicode services
ImageMagick- Package for display and non-interactive manipulation of images
imake-1.0.10        Obsolete build tool for X software
import-package-1.1  Tool for importing a package
InterLOGIC-0.30nb10 Logic/puzzle game based on the old Amiga game "Balls"
intltool-0.51.0nb7  Internationalization Tool Collection
irssi-1.4.4nb2      Secure and modular IRC client with text mode user interface
itstool-2.0.7nb5    ITS Tool allows you to translate XML documents with PO files
jack-1.9.21nb3      Low-latency audio server
jbig2dec-0.20       JBIG2 decoder library
jbigkit-2.1nb1      JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
jpeg-9e             IJG's jpeg compression utilities
jq-1.7.1            Command-line JSON processor
ketm-0.0.6nb8       Old-school 2d-scrolling shooter
KoboDeluxe-0.5.1nb6 Multi-way scrolling shoot 'em up game for X
ladspa-1.17nb4      Linux Audio Developers Simple Plugin API
lame-3.100nb5       Fast, high quality MP3 encoder
lbreakout-010315nb12 Breakout-style arcade game
lbreakout2-2.6.5    Breakout-style arcade game
lcms2-2.16          Little Color Management System - a color management library
lemon-    Simple LALR(1) parser generator
lgeneral-1.1.1nb11  Panzer General play-a-like, uses Panzer General data files
lgeneral-data-1.1.3nb2 Panzer General data files for lgeneral
lhasa-0.4.0         Freely licensed lha archiving tool (for .lzh and .lha files)
libao-1.2.2         Cross-platform audio library
libao-alsa-1.2.2    Cross-platform audio library (ALSA plugin)
libaom-3.8.2        Library for using AV1, video coding format
libarchive-3.7.2    Library to read/create different archive formats
libass-0.17.1nb1    Portable subtitle renderer for the ASS/SSA subtitle format
libassuan-2.5.7     IPC library used by some of the other GnuPG related packages
libatomic_ops-7.8.2 Multi-platform library of atomic operations by Hans Boehm
libbluray-1.3.4nb4  Library for Blu-Ray Discs playback for media players
libcfg+-0.7.0       Command line and configuration file parsing library
libcroco-0.6.13nb9  Toolkit to parse and manipulate CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
libcups-2.4.6nb4    Common UNIX Printing System library
libdaemon-0.14nb2   C library that eases the writing of UNIX daemons
libde265-1.0.15     Open h.265 video codec implementation
libdrm-2.4.120      Userspace interface to kernel DRM services
libduktape-2.7.0    Embeddable Javascript engine library
libdvdnav-6.1.1     Library to navigate DVDs
libdvdread-6.1.2    DVD access library
libelf-0.8.13nb1    ELF object file access library
libepoxy-1.5.10nb2  Library for OpenGL function pointer management
libevent-2.1.12nb2  Asynchronous event notification library
libfetch-2.40       Library to access HTTP/FTP server
libffi-3.4.6        Foreign function interface
libfontenc-1.1.8    Library for handling fonts with different character set encodings
libgcrypt-1.10.3    GNU cryptographic library
libgee-0.20.3nb10   Library providing GObject-based interfaces and classes
libgetopt-1.4.6     Library for handling --long options
libgnome-games-support1-1.8.2nb1 Small library intended for internal use by GNOME Games (v1)
libgpg-error-1.48   Definitions of common error values for all GnuPG components
libheif-1.17.6      HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder library
libICE-1.1.1        Inter Client Exchange (ICE) library for X
libidn-1.42         Internationalized Domain Names command line tool
libidn2-2.3.7       Convert internationalized domain names to/from ASCII Encoding
libimagequant-2.18.0 Conversion of RGBA images to 8-bit indexed-color (2.x, C-only)
libksba-1.6.6       X.509 library
liblqr-0.4.2nb2     Content-aware image resizing library
libltdl-2.4.7       Generic shared library support (libltdl abstraction library)
libmad-0.15.1bnb3   High-quality MPEG audio decoder
libmatchbox-1.9nb13 Library for matchbox window manager for computers with small displays
libmikmod- MikMod Sound Library
libmodplug-  Library for decoding mod-like music formats
libmpeg2-0.5.1      Library for decoding mpeg-2 and mpeg-1 video streams
libmysofa-1.3.2     Reader for AES SOFA HRTF files
libogg-1.3.5nb1     Ogg project codecs library
libopus-1.5.1       Totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec library
libotr-4.1.1        Library for Off-The-Record encrypted messaging
libpaper-2.2.5      Paper size handling library
libpcap-1.10.4      System-independent interface for user-level packet capture
libpciaccess-0.18   PCI access utility library from
librsvg-2.40.21nb16 SVG library for GNOME (2.40.xx branch, C only)
libsamplerate-0.2.2nb4 Sample rate converter library
libslirp-4.7.0nb2   User-mode networking library
libSM-1.2.4         X Session Management Library
libsndfile-1.2.2    Library for reading and writing audio files
libsodium-1.0.19    Library for build higher-level cryptographic tools
libtasn1-4.19.0     ASN.1 structure parser library
libtheora-1.1.1nb2  Video codec for Ogg multimedia streaming
libtool-base-2.4.7nb1 Generic shared library support script (the script itself)
libunistring-1.2    Unicode string library
libusb-compat-0.1.8 USB access library version 0 compatibility layer on top of version 1
libusb1-1.0.27      USB Access Library (version 1)
libuuid-2.32.1nb2   Generate unique identifiers for objects
libuv-1.48.0        Cross-platform asychronous I/O
libva-2.20.0        Video Acceleration API
libvorbis-1.3.7     Library for the Ogg Vorbis audio encoding format
libvpx-1.14.0       On2 VP8/VP9 video codec library from Google
libwebp-1.3.2nb1    WebP image format library and tools
libwildmidi-0.4.5   Midi processing library and a midi player using the GUS patch set
libX11-1.8.7        Base X libraries from modular Xorg X11
libXau-1.0.11       Authorization Protocol for X from
libXaw-1.0.16       X Athena Widgets Library from modular Xorg X11
libxcb-1.16.1       X protocol C-language Binding
libXcomposite-0.4.6 X Composite Library
libXcursor-1.2.2    Client-side cursor loading library for X
libxcvt-0.1.2       VESA CVT standard timing modelines generator
libXdamage-1.1.6    Xdamage extension (Library)
libXdmcp-1.1.5      X Display Manager Control Protocol library from
libXext-1.3.6       X Extension library
libXfixes-6.0.1     Xfixes library and extension of X RandR from modular
libXfont2-2.0.6nb2  X font Library (v2)
libXft-2.3.8nb1     Library for configuring and customizing font access
libXi-1.8.1         X Input extension library
libXinerama-1.1.5   X PanoramiX extension library
libxkbcommon-1.6.0nb1 Library to handle keyboard descriptions
libxkbfile-1.1.3    The xkbfile Library from modular
libxml2-2.12.4      XML parser library from the GNOME project
libxmp-4.5.0        Player for many different Amiga and PC module formats
libXmu-1.1.4        X Miscellaneous Utilities library
libXpm-3.5.17       X PixMap Library from modular Xorg X11
libXrandr-1.5.4     X RandR Library from
libXrender-0.9.11   X Render Library
libXScrnSaver-1.2.4 X11 Screen Saver Library
libxshmfence-1.3.2nb1 Shared memory 'SyncFence' synchronization primitive
libxslt-1.1.39      XSLT parser library
libXt-1.3.0nb1      X Toolkit Intrinsics library
libXtst-1.2.4       X Tst Library
libXv-1.0.12        Xv Extension library
libXvMC-1.0.14      XVideo Motion Compensation Library
libXxf86dga-1.1.6   Library for the XFree86-DGA X extension
libXxf86vm-1.1.5    Library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
libyaml-0.2.5       YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C
libzip-1.10.1nb2    C library to manipulate zip archives
links-2.29          Lynx-like text WWW browser
lintpkgsrc-2022.09.29 Sanity checks on the complete pkgsrc tree
lirc-0.9.0nb5       Linux Infrared Remote Control
lmarbles-1.0.8      Atomix-like puzzle
lnl-3.4.19nb2       L&L - Labyrinths & Legends - Fantasy RPG
love08-0.8.0nb9     Framework for making 2D games in Lua (version 0.8)
ltris-1.0.20        SDL tetris clone
lua51-5.1.5nb3      Lightweight, embeddable scripting language (v5.1)
lua54-5.4.6nb1      Lightweight, embeddable scripting language (v5.4)
lynx-    Alphanumeric display oriented World-Wide Web Client
lz4-1.9.4           Extremely Fast Compression algorithm
lzip-1.24.1         Lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
lzo-2.10            Portable lossless data compression library
m4-1.4.19nb1        GNU version of UNIX m4 macro language processor
maelstrom-sdl-3.0.6nb1 High resolution version of Asteroids (SDL version)
makedepend-1.0.9    Dependency generator for make
masscan-1.3.2       TODO: Short description of the package
mcookie-2.32.1      Tool for creating cookies for xauth(1)
mDNSResponder-258.14nb3 Apple's mDNS responder
MesaLib-21.3.9nb4   Open source OpenGL implementation
meson-1.4.0         Open source build system meant to be fast and user friendly
mime-types-9        Database of common mappings of file extensions to MIME types
minimp3-20210120    Minimalistic MP3 decoder single header library
minivmac-36.04      Miniature Macintosh emulator
minizip-1.3.1       Zip file manipulation library from the zlib distribution
mkfontscale-1.2.3   X11 Scalable Font Index Generator
mktools-20220614    Collection of pkgsrc mk infrastructure tools
mng-2.0.3           Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) reference library
modular-xorg-xephyr-21.1.11 Xephyr server based on kdrive from modular
moria-5.5.2nb7      Rogue-like game with a different sense of scale than Rogue
motif-2.3.8nb3      LGPLed Motif toolkit for the X Window System
mozilla-rootcerts-1.0.20240214 Root CA certificates from the Mozilla Project
mozilla-rootcerts-openssl-2.14 Wedge for installing and managing mozilla-rootcerts
mpfr-4.2.1          GMP-based library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
mpg123-1.32.5       MPEG layer 1, 2, and 3 audio player
mplayer-1.5nb3      Fast, cross-platform movie player
mplayer-fonts-20030714nb1 Fonts for mplayer and gmplayer
mplayer-share-1.5nb12 Documentation used by mplayer and gmplayer
mutt-2.2.13         Text-based MIME mail client with PGP & S/MIME support
nagi-20021114nb6    Clone of Sierra's AGI
nasm-2.16.01        General-purpose x86 assembler
nawk-20230909       Brian Kernighan's pattern-directed scanning and processing language
nbpatch-20151107    Patch files using diff output
ncurses-6.4         CRT screen handling and optimization package
ncursesw-6.4        Wide character CRT screen handling and optimization package
neofetch-7.1.0      Command-line system information tool
nethack-all-3.6.7nb3 Meta-package for NetHack with x11 and tty versions
nethack-lib-3.6.7nb3 Data files for Nethack
nethack-tty-3.6.7nb3 The tty and curses based version of NetHack
nethack-x11-3.6.7nb3 The X11 and tty/curses version of NetHack
netpbm-10.86.34nb7  Toolkit for conversion of images between different formats
netsurf-3.10nb18    Web browser for RISC OS and UNIX-like platforms
nettle-3.9.1        Cryptographic library
nghttp2-1.60.0      Implementation of HTTP/2 in C
nighthawk-2.1nb5    C64 Paradroid clone
ninja-build-1.11.1nb1 Small build system with a focus on speed
ninvaders-0.1.1nb1  Space invaders, curses style
npth-1.7            New Portable Threads Library (nPth)
ns-remote-1.12      Remote-control of Netscape and Mozilla-based browsers
omega-0.90.4nb5     Complex rogue-like game of exploration with a sense of humor
oniguruma-6.9.9     Regular expressions library
openal-soft-1.23.1nb3 Software implementation of the OpenAL 3D audio API
openfodder-data-1.7.0 Data for the wip/openfodder
openjpeg-2.5.2      JPEG 2000 library
openssl-3.1.5       Secure Socket Layer and cryptographic library
openttd-13.4nb3     Open source clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe
opentyrian-2.1      TODO: Short description of the package
opusfile-0.12nb2    Decoding and seeking API for opus files
p11-kit-0.25.3      PKCS#11 module manager
p5-Algorithm-Diff-1.2010nb1 Perl module for diffing similar to diff(1)
p5-Alien-SDL-1.446nb21 Alien::SDL - building, finding and using SDL binaries
p5-Archive-Extract-0.86nb4 Perl5 module interface to manipulate zip files
p5-Archive-Zip-1.68nb3 Perl5 module interface to manipulate zip files
p5-Capture-Tiny-0.48nb6 Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs
p5-Class-Data-Inheritable-0.09nb2 Inheritable, overridable class data
p5-Class-Inspector-1.36nb4 Provides information about Classes
p5-Clone-0.46nb1    Perl module for recursively copying datatypes
p5-Compress-Bzip2-2.28nb3 Perl5 interface to bzip2 compression library
p5-Curses-1.44      Perl5 module for terminal screen handling and optimization
p5-Data-Dumper-Names-0.03nb14 Dump variables with names (no source filter)
p5-Devel-StackTrace-2.05 Perl5 module for stack trace and stack trace frame objects
p5-Devel-Symdump-2.1800nb7 Perl5 module for inspecting perl's symtable/class hiers
p5-Digest-SHA1-2.13nb15 Perl5 module for SHA1
p5-Encode-Locale-1.05nb9 Determine the locale encoding for Encode
p5-enum-1.120nb2    Enumerations for Perl
p5-Exception-Class-1.45nb2 Perl5 module implementing real exception classes
p5-ExtUtils-Config-0.008nb9 Wrapper for configuration of Perl
p5-ExtUtils-Helpers-0.026nb7 Various portability utilities for Perl5 module builders
p5-ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.012nb6 Build.PL install path logic made easy
p5-File-Listing-6.16 Perl 5 module providing a directory parser
p5-File-ShareDir-1.118nb6 Get a generic path to the share directory
p5-File-ShareDir-Install-0.14nb1 Perl 5 module to install shared files
p5-File-Slurp-9999.32nb4 Read/write/append files quickly
p5-File-Which-1.27nb2 Portable implementation of the 'which' utility
p5-gettext-1.07nb8  Perl5 module interface to C I18N functions
p5-HTML-Parser-3.82 Perl5 module to parse HTML text documents
p5-HTML-Tagset-3.24 Perl5 module of data tables useful in parsing HTML
p5-HTTP-Cookies-6.11 HTTP cookie jars
p5-HTTP-Daemon-6.16nb1 Simple http server class
p5-HTTP-Date-6.06   Perl 5 module providing date conversion routines
p5-HTTP-Message-6.45nb1 Construct HTTP style messages
p5-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01nb12 Negotiate HTTP service parameters
p5-inc-latest-0.500nb8 Use modules bundled in inc/ if they are newer than installed ones
p5-IO-HTML-1.004nb3 Open an HTML file with automatic charset detection
p5-IPC-System-Simple-1.30nb4 Run commands simply, with detailed diagnostics
p5-JSON-4.10nb1     Perl module converts between JSON and Perl data structure
p5-libwww-6.77nb1   Perl5 library for WWW access
p5-Locale-libintl-1.33nb1 Perl internationalization library
p5-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon-1.00nb9 Use other catalog formats in Maketext
p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.04nb4 Guess media type for a file or a URL
p5-Module-Build-0.42340nb1 Build and install Perl modules
p5-Module-Build-Tiny-0.047 Tiny replacement for Module::Build to build and install Perl modules
p5-Net-HTTP-6.23    Perl 5 module for low-level HTTP connections (client)
p5-PadWalker-2.5nb3 Play with other peoples' lexical variables
p5-pkgsrc-Dewey-1.1nb14 Perl module to compare pkgsrc Dewey numbers
p5-Pod-Coverage-0.23nb10 Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
p5-Pod-Parser-1.67  POD filters and translators
p5-SDL-2.548nb15    SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer for Perl
p5-Sub-Identify-0.14nb7 Perl 5 module to retrieve names of code references
p5-Sub-Uplevel-0.2800nb7 Apparently run a function in a higher stack frame
p5-SUPER-1.20190531nb4 Perl 5 module to control superclass method dispatch
p5-Term-Animation-2.6nb12 ASCII sprite animation package
p5-Test-Deep-1.204nb1 Perl5 module to test deep structures
p5-Test-Differences-0.7100 Test strings and data structures and show differences if not ok
p5-Test-Exception-0.43nb8 Test exception based code
p5-Test-Most-0.38nb1 Most commonly needed test functions and features
p5-Test-Pod-1.52nb6 Perl5 module to check for POD errors in files
p5-Test-Pod-Coverage-1.10nb10 Check for pod coverage in your distribution
p5-Test-Warn-0.37nb1 Perl extension to test methods for warnings
p5-Text-Diff-1.45nb6 High-level text diffing module for Perl
p5-Text-Patch-1.8nb12 Perl5 module patches text with given patch
p5-Text-Unidecode-1.30nb7 Perl5 module that transliterates Unicode to US-ASCII
p5-Tie-Simple-1.04nb6 Variable ties made easier: much, much, much easier
p5-Try-Tiny-0.31nb1 Minimal try/catch with proper preservation of $@
p5-Unicode-EastAsianWidth-12.0nb3 Perl5 module that provides properties of East Asian characters
p5-URI-5.27         Perl5 Uniform Resource Identifiers class (URI, RFC 2396)
p5-WWW-RobotRules-6.02nb12 Perl 5 module database of robots.txt-derived permissions
p5-XML-Parser-2.47  Perl extension interface to James Clark's XML parser, expat
pango-1.52.1        Library for layout and rendering of text
pax-20210219        POSIX standard archiver with many extensions
pciids-20200222     Repository of PCI IDs (pci.ids database)
pcre-8.45           Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
pcre2-10.43         Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library (major version 2)
pcsc-lite-2.0.3     Middleware to access a smart card using SCard API (PC/SC)
pentagram-20161127  A reimplementation of the Ultima 8 game engine
perl-5.38.2         Practical Extraction and Report Language
physfs-3.0.2        Library providing abstract access to various archives
pinentry-1.3.0      Applications for entering PINs or Passphrases
pixman-0.43.4       Library of low-level pixel manipulation routines
pkgconf-2.1.1       API-driven pkg-config replacement
pkgdiff-1.11        Tools to create, maintain, and send back patches for pkgsrc
pkgin-23.8.1nb3     Apt / yum like tool for managing pkgsrc binary packages
pkglint4-4.193.2nb3 Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkg_chk-2.0.12      Check installed package versions against pkgsrc
pkg_developer-1.2.2 Meta-package for pkgsrc package development
pkg_install-20240307 Package management and administration tools for pkgsrc
pkg_tarup-1.9.1     Generates binary package(s) from installed pkg(s)
pmars-0.9.2         The official Core Wars simulator
png-1.6.43          Library for manipulating PNG images
polkit-121          Authorization Manager
portaudio-190600.20161030nb13 Portable cross-platform audio API
prboom-2.5.0nb2     Multiplayer-capable and modified version of DOOM
pstree-2.39         Display processes in a tree
pulseaudio-17.0     Sound server for POSIX and Win32 systems
pushover-0.0.5nb2   Remake of Pushover, a fun puzzle game
puzzles-20220127nb6 Collection of small one-player puzzle games by Simon Tatham
py27-scons-3.1.2nb7 Python-based, open-source build system (old version 3)
py27-setuptools-44.1.1nb1 New Python packaging system (python 2.x version)
py311-anytree-2.12.1 Powerful and Lightweight Python Tree Data Structure
py311-asn1-0.5.1    ITU Abstract Syntax Notification for Python
py311-attrs-23.2.0  Attributes without boilerplate
py311-babel-2.14.0  Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
py311-brotli-1.1.0  Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm (Python module)
py311-brotlicffi- Python CFFI bindings to the Brotli library
py311-build-1.1.1   Simple, correct PEP517 package builder
py311-calver-2022.6.26 Setuptools extension for CalVer package versions
py311-certifi-2024.2.2 Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle
py311-cffi-1.16.0nb1 Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code
py311-charset-normalizer-3.3.2 Universal Charset Detector
py311-configobj-5.0.8nb1 Config file reading, writing and validation
py311-cparser-2.21nb1 C parser in Python
py311-cryptography-3.3.2nb5 Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python
py311-cython-3.0.9  C-Extensions for Python
py311-docutils-0.20.1nb1 Python tool to generate documents
py311-flit_core-3.9.0nb1 Distribution-building parts of Flit
py311-gi-docgen-2023.3nb1 Documentation tool for GObject-based libraries
py311-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme-24.1.0 Fancy PyPI READMEs with Hatch
py311-hatch-vcs-0.4.0 Hatch plugin for versioning with your preferred VCS
py311-hatchling-1.22.4 Modern, extensible Python build backend
py311-idna-3.6      Python module for Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
py311-installer-0.7.0nb1 Library for installing Python wheels
py311-jinja2-3.1.3  Small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine
py311-kivy-garden-0.1.5 Garden tool for kivy flowers
py311-libxml2-2.12.4 Python wrapper for libxml2
py311-lxml-5.1.0    Python binding for libxml2 and libxslt
py311-mako-1.3.2    Hyperfast and lightweight templating for the Python platform
py311-markdown-3.6  XHTML generator using a simple markup
py311-markupsafe-2.1.5 Implements a unicode subclass that supports HTML strings
py311-olefile-0.47  Python module to read/write MS OLE2 files
py311-packaging-24.0 Core utilities for Python packages
py311-pathspec-0.12.1 Utility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths
py311-Pillow-10.2.0nb1 Python Imaging Library (Fork)
py311-pluggy-1.4.0  Plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python
py311-poetry-core-1.9.0 Poetry PEP 517 build backend
py311-pygments-2.17.2 Python syntax highlighter
py311-pylsqpack-0.3.18 Python wrapper for the ls-qpack QPACK library
py311-pyparsing-3.1.2 Parsing module for Python
py311-pyproject_hooks-1.0.0nb1 Wrappers to call pyproject.toml-based build backend hooks
py311-pysol_cards-0.14.3 Deal PySol FC Cards
py311-random2-1.0.2 Python 3 compatible port of Python 2 random module
py311-requests-2.31.0 HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
py311-roman-4.1     Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python
py311-scons-4.7.0   Python-based, open-source build system
py311-semantic_version-2.10.0 Semantic version comparison for Python
py311-setuptools-69.2.0 New Python packaging system
py311-setuptools-rust-1.9.0 Setuptools plugin for Rust support
py311-setuptools_scm-8.0.4 Manage your versions by scm tags
py311-six-1.16.0nb1 Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
py311-smartypants-2.0.1nb1 Python with the SmartyPants
py311-Socks-1.7.1nb1 Python SOCKS client module
py311-trove-classifiers-2024.3.3 Canonical source for classifiers on PyPI (
py311-typing-extensions-4.10.0 Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python
py311-typogrify-2.0.7nb1 Filters to enhance web typography
py311-urllib3-2.2.1 HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling
py311-wheel-0.43.0  Built-package format for Python
py311-xcbgen-1.16.0nb1 XCB protocol descriptions (in XML)
py311-xdg-0.28      Python library for XDG
py311-zstandard-0.22.0 Zstandard bindings for Python
python27-2.7.18nb15 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python311-3.11.8    Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
quakeforge-0.7.2nb22 Improved Quake engine
radare2-5.8.2nb4    Reverse engineering framework
re2c-3.1            Deterministic Finite State Automaton generator
readline-8.2nb2     GNU library that can recall and edit previous input
realboy-0.2.2nb1    Complete, fast, yet accurate Game Boy/Game Boy Color emulator
REminiscence-0.3.1nb1 Engine to play Flashback by Delphine Software
revbump-3.5nb1      Tool for bumping PKGREVISIONs (for pkgsrc developers)
rgbds-0.5.1         Assembler/linker package for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color
rhash-1.4.4nb1      Calculate/check CRC32, MD5, SHA1, GOST, TTH, BTIH or other hash sums
rott-1.1.2          Fast scrolling first-person perspective 3D action game
ruby32-asciidoctor-2.0.22 Convert AsciiDoc to HTML and more
ruby32-base-3.2.3nb1 Ruby 3.2.3 release minimum base package
ruby32-manpages-0.6.1nb2 Adds support for man pages to rubygems
sarien-0.7.0nb8     Adventure Game Interpreter (AGI) for Sierra On-Line Titles
scummvm-2.8.0nb1    LucasArts Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion
scummvm-bass-0nb1   Beneath a Steel Sky
scummvm-fotaq-0nb1  Flight Of The Amazon Queen
SDL-1.2.15nb43      Simple DirectMedia Layer, a cross-platform multimedia library
SDL_gfx-2.0.26      Basic drawing routines for SDL
SDL_image-1.2.12nb11 Load images as SDL surfaces
SDL_mixer-1.2.12nb7 Multi-channel audio mixer library
SDL_net-1.2.8nb1    Small sample cross-platform networking library for SDL
SDL_Pango-0.1.2nb33 Connects the text rendering engine of GNOME 2.x. with SDL
SDL_sound-1.0.3nb7  SDL library to handle the decoding of different file formats
SDL_ttf-2.0.11nb6   Use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications
serf-1.3.10nb2      High-performance asynchronous HTTP client library
sex-1.0nb1          Yet another program for spouting silly, random phrases
shared-mime-info-2.4 Core database of common types
smpeg-0.4.5         SDL MPEG Player Library
snes9x-1.62.3       Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator (CLI version)
speex-1.2.1         Open-source, patent-free voice codec
speexdsp-1.2.1      Open-source, patent-free voice codec DSP library
sqlite3-3.45.2      SQL Database Engine in a C Library
startup-notification-0.12nb3 X11 application startup notification library
stockfish-9         Strong open source chess engine
stormlib-9.24       Blizzard MPQ archive tool
stratagus-2.4.3     Real-time strategy gaming engine
subversion-base-1.14.3 Version control system, base programs and libraries
svt-av1-1.8.0       Scalable Video Technology for AV1 (SVT-AV1 Encoder and Decoder)
tcl-8.6.13nb1       Tool Command Language, a dynamic language
tcsh-6.24.11        Extended C-shell with many useful features
tdb-1.4.10          Small database system which uses files to store data
tiff-4.6.0nb3       Library and tools for reading and writing TIFF data files
tigervnc- High-performance, platform-neutral VNC client/server
tileworld-1.3.2     Game based on Chip's Challenge
timidity-2.15.0nb7  MIDI to WAV renderer and player
tk-8.6.13nb1        Graphical toolkit for TCL
tokyocabinet-1.4.48 Modern implementation of DBM
tolua++-1.0.93      Tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua
tor-        Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
torsocks-2.3.0      Library to torify applications
tradcpp-0.5.3       Traditional (K&R-style) C preprocessor
trader-7.18         Simple text-based game of interstellar trading
tremor- Fixed point decoding library for the Ogg Vorbis audio encoding format
uae-0.8.25nb41      The UAE Amiga Emulator
unicorn-2.0.1.post1 CPU emulator engine framework based on QEMU
unittest-cpp-2.0.0  Lightweight unit testing framework for C++
unzip-6.0nb9        List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
uqm-0.8.0-srcnb2    Ur-Quan Masters
url2pkg-23.3.0      Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
urw-fonts-2.0nb1    Standard postscript fonts (cyrillicized)
utf8proc-2.9.0      C library for processing Unicode data
vala-0.56.15        Compiler for the GObject type system
Vanilla-Conquer-1.0.0 Opensource Command and Conquer clone
verifypc-1.8        Sanity check package dependencies according to pkg-config
vim-share-9.0.2122nb1 Data files for the vim editor (vi clone)
vms-empire-1.15     Solitaire Empire (sometimes called "VMS Empire")
w3m- Multilingualized version of a pager/text-based browser w3m
wargames-1.02       Simulated interaction with the W.O.P.R. computer from War Games
wargus-3.3.2        Importer and scripts for Warcraft2 and Aleonas Tales
wayland-1.21.0nb3   Display server protocol - development libraries
wayland-protocols-1.32 Additional wayland functionality
wordwarvi-1.0.2nb22 Side-scrolling shoot 'em up '80s style arcade game
wtf-20230301        Translate common Internet acronyms
x264-20231001       GPL licensed H.264 encoder
x265-3.5            High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)
xa65-2.3.14         Cross assembler for MOS Technologies 6502
xbitmaps-1.1.3      Common X11 bitmaps
xboard-4.9.1nb19    Graphical frontend for chess engines and servers
xcb-proto-1.16.0nb1 XCB protocol descriptions (in XML)
xcb-util-0.4.1      XCB Utilities
xcb-util-image-0.4.1 XCB port of Xlib's XImage and XShmImage
xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1 XCB Utilities
xcb-util-renderutil-0.3.10 Convenience functions for the Render extension
xcb-util-wm-0.4.2nb1 Client and window-manager helpers for ICCCM and EWMH
xdg-utils-1.1.3nb3  Tools to assist applications with various desktop integration tasks
xdoom-1.10nb4       3D shoot-em-up for 8-bit X11 displays
XEphem-4.2.0        TODO: Short description of the package
xerces-c-3.2.4      Validating C++ XML parser with DOM and SAX support
xkbcomp-1.4.7       XKBD keymap compiler
xkeyboard-config-2.41 X Keyboard Configuration Database
xmlcatmgr-2.2nb1    XML and SGML catalog manager
xmlto-0.0.28nb10    Tool to help transform XML documents into other formats
xnedit-1.5.3        Fork of NEdit with Unicode support and antialiased text
xorg-cf-files-1.0.8 Xorg imake rules
xorg-util-macros-1.20.0 Xorg autotool macros
xorgproto-2023.2    Various X headers from Xorg X11
xosview-1.23        X11 graphical display of OS statistics
xplanet-1.3.1nb13   Rotating rendered map of the Earth in X11 root window
xrmap-2.29nb2       Earth map viewer - complete
xrmap-anthems-1.3   National anthems (text) for xrmap
xrmap-base-2.29nb3  Earth map viewer - base program
xrmap-data-0nb1     Vector data for xrmap
xrmap-factbook_html-2002nb1 CIA factbook for xrmap (HTML)
xrmap-factbook_text-2006 CIA factbook for xrmap
xrmap-flags-1.1nb1  National flags for xrmap
xrmap-hymns-1.2nb1  National anthems (MIDI) for xrmap
xrmap-pdfmaps-1.1nb1 PDF maps for xrmap
xsokoban-3.3cnb1    Classic logical game
xtrans-1.5.0        Network API translation layer to insulate X
xu4-1.0beta3nb11    Remake of Ultima IV
xvidcore-1.3.7nb1   ISO MPEG-4 compliant video codec
xxhash-0.8.2nb1     Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
xz-5.6.1nb100       General-purpose data compression software (5.4)
yelp-tools-42.1nb1  Set of command-line tools to build and check your documentation
yelp-xsl-42.1       XSL stylesheets for Yelp help browser
zip-3.0nb3          Create/update ZIP files compatible with pkzip
zlib-1.3.1          General purpose data compression library
zstd-1.5.5          Fast real-time compression algorithm
zziplib-0.13.74     Library for ZIP archive handling
Webserver 1.0