Index of /pkgsrc/ESXi-7_aarch64/

NameLast ModifiedSizeType
../ -  Directory
PKG/2021-May-17 20:49:03-  Directory
README.txt2021-May-17 20:17:532.8Ktext/plain; charset=utf-8
pkg.tar2021-May-17 07:31:494.0Mapplication/x-tar
 _____ _______   ___      ___________                          _      ____    ___ 
|  ___/  ___\ \ / (_)    |___  /  _  |                        | |    / ___|  /   |
| |__ \ `--. \ V / _        / /| |/' |     __ _  __ _ _ __ ___| |__ / /___  / /| |
|  __| `--. \/   \| |      / / |  /| |    / _` |/ _` | '__/ __| '_ \| ___ \/ /_| |
| |___/\__/ / /^\ \ |    ./ /  \ |_/ /   | (_| | (_| | | | (__| | | | \_/ |\___  |
\____/\____/\/   \/_|    \_(_)  \___/     \__,_|\__,_|_|  \___|_| |_\_____/    |_/

PKGSRC on ESXi 7.0 aarch64   (tested on RPI4)

!!!! This is experimental !!!!! 
!!!! Use at your own risk !!!!!

To get servers and outgoin/incoming services up and running 
Disable FW (Not recommended :))  

[root@armesxi]  esxcli network firewall set --enabled false

You also need to enable the TSM and TSM-SSH to get this running 
(You can do this on the ESXi web console) 

Once done SSH to the ESXi as root -> 

Upload pkg.tar via scp or wget (both are available on the ESXi 7.0 aarch64)
to some partition where there is enough space 
I have used the OSDATA-xxxxxx under /vmfs/volumes/ since this survives a 
reboot and you can always re-create a symlink from there to /usr/pkg 

In my example I have pkg extracted in 


Extract the pkg.tar there and symlink to /usr/pkg 

[root@armesxi:~] ln -s /vmfs/volumes/OSDATA-5f4e56fc-55f28b49-8343-dca632f6ed8f/pkg /usr

To find out your OSDATA partition name just run df 

[root@armesxi:~] df
Filesystem       Bytes       Used   Available Use% Mounted on
VMFS-L     28454158336 4232052736 24222105600  15% /vmfs/volumes/OSDATA-5f4e56fc-55f28b49-8343-dca632f6ed8f
vfat        1073577984  122028032   951549952  11% /vmfs/volumes/BOOTBANK1
vfat        1073577984      32768  1073545216   0% /vmfs/volumes/BOOTBANK2

You need to then specify the PATHs 


To add Packages

Download the tgz binary packages to some temporary folder on the ESXi and then run 

[root@armesxi:~] /usr/pkg/sbin_pkgadd /path/to/package.tgz  

Enjoy your custom executables on the ESXi 

Remember you can use  the 1st screen on the ESXi physical console 
Just press <ALT+F1>  to get to the interactive TSM shell 
To return back to the ESXi splash creen hit <ALT+F2> 

What works 
dopewars   (The legendary drug dealing game - run it with 
[root@armesxi:~] /usr/pkg/bin/dopewars -t -f /tmp/scores.dpw 

lynx       (Hey you always wanted to brose the net from the ESXi console,right?) 
tor (yes why would you need to run tor on the ESXi huh?) 
...and many more 

What does not work 
elinks  (need to recompile with root user support) 
links   (dies) 
irssi   (loads but does not connect to servers) 
Webserver 1.0