Index of /pkgsrc/macOS-High_Sierra/

NameLast ModifiedSizeType
../ -  Directory
2023Q3/2023-Oct-12 18:20:58-  Directory 18:23:412.1Mapplication/x-gtar-compressed
README.txt2023-Oct-12 18:50:492.6Ktext/plain; charset=utf-8
Sierra took some pkgsrc and now its high ...... 

 _   _ _       _       _____ _                             _                      
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| |_| |_  __ _| |__   \ `--. _  ___ _ __ _ __ __ _   _ __ | | ____ _ ___ _ __ ___ 
|  _  | |/ _` | '_ \   `--. \ |/ _ \ '__| '__/ _` | | '_ \| |/ / _` / __| '__/ __|
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\_| |_/_|\__, |_| |_| \____/|_|\___|_|  |_|  \__,_| | .__/|_|\_\__, |___/_|  \___|
          __/ |                                     | |         __/ |             
         |___/                                      |_|        |___/             

  2023 Q3                                                                (Astr0baby)

- macOS 10.13.6 High Sierra x86_64 
- Xcode 9.4.1 (build 9F2000) 
  Download and install Xcode from Apple (you need AppleID for this) 
- Xquartz 2.8.5 (installed in /opt/X11) 

- pkgsrc-2023Q3 
- bootstrap pkgsrc to /opt/pkg  (x86_64 ABI)

- Download pkgsrc-2023Q3 
- Extract in your working dir 
- Make sure you bootstrap pkgsrc-2023Q3 to /opt/pkg (packages were compiled for this path) 
  # cd pkgsrc/bootstrap 
  # ./bootstrap --prefix /opt/pkg    

- Add /opt/pkg/bin and /opt/pkg/sbin to your $PATH and you can install the binary packages from my repo  

 # PATH="/opt/pkg/sbin:/opt/pkg/bin:$PATH"
 # export PATH PKG_PATH
 # pkg_add qemu-7.2 


  Notable packages 
- Qemu 7.2.0    
  Compiled with SDL support, without cocoa (needed on older macOS) 
  Compiled using pkgsrc/lang/clang 15.0.7 and pkgsrc/lang/llvm 15.0.7 (needed on older macOS)
  Supports hvf acceleration on macOS x86_64 for x86_64  guests

- Mplayer 1.5
  Works with corevideo and sdl   (mplayer -vo corevideo  / mplayer -vo sdl )

- Rust   1.7.0 
- clang 15.0.7 
- llvm  15.0.7
- gcc   12.3.0

  GemRB 0.8.6 
- The pkgsrc package  gemrb-0.8.6nb1.tgz is a dummy package 
  but install it anyway to pull all the dependencies for this 

- To run GemRB download the  
  and extract to /Applications 
- The game needs original data from Baldur's Gate 1,2 and Icewind Dale 1,2 

Webserver 1.0