Index of /M1-Apple/NetBSD-M1-Qemu/

NameLast ModifiedSizeType
../ -  Directory
README.txt2024-Apr-01 12:27:533.6Ktext/plain; charset=utf-8
install.sh2021-Sep-07 05:24:560.5Ktext/x-sh; charset=utf-8
run.sh2021-Sep-07 05:25:180.5Ktext/x-sh; charset=utf-8
 _   _      _  ______  ___________                        _      ____    ___    ______ _       _____             ___  ___ __  
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|  \| | ___| |_| |_/ /\ `--.| | | |   __ _  __ _ _ __ ___| |__ / /___  / /| |   | |_/ /_  __ _\ `--. _   _ _ __  | .  . |`| | 
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                                                                                          __/ |                             

NetBSD/evbarm under QEMU on the Apple MacOS M1 

Building qemu on Big Sur M1 

    Clone qemu

git clone

    Change directory to qemu repository

cd qemu

    Checkout to commit dated June 03, 2021 v6.0.0

git checkout 3c93dfa42c394fdd55684f2fbf24cf2f39b97d47

    Apply patch series v8 by Alexander Graf

curl | git am

    Building qemu installer

mkdir build && cd build
../configure --target-list=aarch64-softmmu
make -j8

    Install qemu

sudo make install


NetBSD-evbarm aarch64 setup 

Get the latest QEMU_EFI image

Get the latest -current ISO installer (netbsd.iso) 

Create qcow2 dik image 
qemu-img create -f qcow2 disk.img 20G  

Create an empty file for persisting UEFI variables 
dd if=/dev/zero conv=sync bs=1m count=64 of=ovmf_vars.fd 

Booting the installer (arm64)
qemu-system-aarch64 \
-M virt,highmem=off \
-accel hvf \
-cpu cortex-a72  \
-m 4G \
-device ramfb \
-device qemu-xhci \
-device usb-kbd \
-device usb-mouse \
-device usb-tablet \
-device virtio-blk,drive=system \
-drive if=none,id=system,media=cdrom,file=netbsd.iso \
-device usb-storage,drive=drive \
-drive if=none,id=drive,format=qcow2,file=disk.img \
-drive file=ovmf_vars.fd,if=pflash,index=1 \
-net nic,model=virtio \
-net user,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 \
-device virtio-rng-pci \
-bios QEMU_EFI.fd

Once installed don't forget to tweak the boot device in EFI ! 
and setup a desired resolution (1024x768 is much better in the ramfb)

Booting the system (arm64)
qemu-system-aarch64 \
-M virt,highmem=off \
-accel hvf \
-cpu cortex-a72  \
-m 4G \
-device ramfb \
-device qemu-xhci \
-device usb-kbd \
-device usb-mouse \
-device usb-tablet \
-device intel-hda -device hda-duplex \
-device virtio-blk,drive=system \
-drive if=none,id=system,media=cdrom,file=netbsd.iso \
-device usb-storage,drive=drive \
-drive if=none,id=drive,format=qcow2,file=disk.img \
-drive file=ovmf_vars.fd,if=pflash,index=1 \
-net nic,model=virtio \
-net user,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 \
-device virtio-rng-pci \
-bios QEMU_EFI.fd

You can reach the guest NetBSD over SSH from BigSur via ssh -p 2222 localhost 

# Also a good idead is to diable IPV6 support in /etc/rc.conf  

Webserver 1.0