Index of /Sparc/NetBSD/CDE/

NameLast ModifiedSizeType
../ -  Directory
README.txt2021-Aug-18 12:59:584.6Ktext/plain; charset=utf-8
ast.tar.gz2021-Aug-18 07:24:0873.4Mapplication/x-gtar-compressed
cde-2.3.2.tar.gz2021-Aug-18 07:23:4285.6Mapplication/x-gtar-compressed
dt-2.3.2.tar.gz2021-Aug-18 07:02:1120.4Mapplication/x-gtar-compressed
ksh2021-Aug-18 12:58:124.2Mapplication/octet-stream
 _   _      _  ______  ___________    _____                      
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|  \| | ___| |_| |_/ /\ `--.| | | |  \ `--. _ __   __ _ _ __ ___ 
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\_| \_/\___|\__\____/ \____/|___/    \____/| .__/ \__,_|_|  \___|
                                           | |                   

  Latest CDE 2.3.2 on NetBSD 9.2 Sparc (big endian)            

- I have verified the build steps in a vanilla NetBSD 9.2 sparc install inside qemu  
- It should works on real HW as well  

- Step 1 

First we need to install a few  packages that are essential for CDE 
We can use the pre-built sparc pkgsrc-2021Q2 binary packages on master for this 

netbsd-sparc# export PKG_PATH=""
netbsd-sparc# export PKG_PATH="$PKG_PATH/NetBSD/sparc/9.0_2021Q2/All"
netbsd-sparc# export PATH PKG_PATH
netbsd-sparc# pkg_add motif
netbsd-sparc# pkg_add gmake 
netbsd-sparc# pkg_add freetype2
netbsd-sparc# pkg_add font-adobe-75dpi 
netbsd-sparc# pkg_add font-adobe-100dpi 
netbsd-sparc# pkg_add fontconfig 
netbsd-sparc# pkg_add wget 
netbsd-sparc# pkg_add meson  

- Step 2

- Lets create a working directory for CDE 

netbsd-sparc# mkdir $HOME/CDE 
netbsd-sparc# cd $HOME/CDE 

- We will first need to download and install ast (korn shell) 
- There were numerous issues in the past with the AST kornshell 
- on NetBSD, so I have tested my own way of getting in onto 
- evbarm      
- Original sources were git cloned on December 2019 from 
- But the code kept chaning a lot so I have decided to keep my working
- version below which you can use  

netbsd-sparc# wget
netbsd-sparc# gunzip ast.tar.gz 
netbsd-sparc# tar -xvf ast.tar 
netbsd-sparc# cd ast 
netbsd-sparc# meson --prefix=/usr/pkg build 
netbsd-sparc# ninja -C build
netbsd-sparc# ninja -C build install  
netbsd-sparc# ln -s /usr/pkg/bin/ksh /usr/pkg/bin/ksh93

netbsd-sparc# /usr/pkg/bin/ksh93  --version
  version         sh (AT&T Research) 2020.0.0

- If you have build probmlems with ksh you can download the Sparc/NetBSD 9.2 binary from this repo 

- We are ready now for the CDE
- There are 2 options now, either download the complete DT binary set from me 
- or build it from source, both methods are described here 

- If you do not wish to compile the CDE sources you can download the /usr/dt 
- gzipped tarball for NetBSD 9.2 sparc I have built  
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

arm64# cd $HOME/CDE 
arm64# wget 
arm64# mv dt-2.3.2.tar.gz /usr 
arm64# gunzip /usr/dt-2.3.2.tar.gz 
arm64# tar -xvf /usr/dt-2.3.2.tar   

- Now make sure you ger rpcbind enabled in /etc/rc.conf 
- by adding a following line 

rpcbind=YES rpcbind_flags="-l" 

- And start rpcbind 

netbsd-sparc# /etc/rc.d/rpcbind start 

- Also make sure your hostname is properly set in /etc/hosts (CDE needs this) 

::1                     netbsd-sparc localhost localhost.               netbsd-sparc localhost localhost.

- Now we can finally start CDE by running the following command under your user 

netbsd-sparc$ startx /usr/dt/bin/Xsession 

- And add these to your $HOME Xdefaults


- If you wish to build CDE from source 
- ------------------------------------
(if we build this as root otherwise make sure you get the proper $HOME) 

sparc-netbsd# cd $HOME/CDE 
sparc-netbsd# wget
sparc-netbsd# gunzip cde-2.3.2.tar.gz 
sparc-netbsd# tar -xvf cde-2.3.2.tar.gz 
sparc-netbsd# cd cde-2.3.2 
sparc-netbsd# gmake 
sparc-netbsd# cd admin/IntegTools/dbTools
sparc-netbsd# ./installCDE -s $HOME/CDE/cde-2.3.2  
sparc-netbsd# cd $HOME 

- Now make sure you ger rpcbind enabled in /etc/rc.conf
- by adding a following line

rpcbind=YES rpcbind_flags="-l"

- And start rpcbind

sparc-netbsd# /etc/rc.d/rpcbind start

-Also make sure your hostname is properly set in /etc/hosts (CDE needs this)

::1                     sparc-netbsd localhost localhost.               sparc-netbsd localhost localhost.

- To start X with CDE run the following command under our user  

sparc-netbsd$ startx /usr/dt/bin/Xsession

- And add these to your $HOME Xdefaults 

Enjoy CDE on your NetBSD Sparc machine 
Webserver 1.0